Problem8621--ALDS1_9_D : Heap Sort

8621: ALDS1_9_D : Heap Sort

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Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 256 MiB


There are a number of sorting algorithms which have different characteristics as follows.

Algorithm Time Complexity
Time Complexity
Stability Memory
Method Features
Insertion Sort
O(lns="">2) O(lns="">2) Insertion Can be fast for an almost sorted array
Bubble Sort
O(lns="">2) O(lns="">2) Swap
Selection Sort
O(lns="">2) O(lns="">2) × Swap
Shell Sort
O(lns="">2) O(lns="">) × Insertion
Merge Sort
O(lns="">) O(lns="">) × Divide and Conqure Fast and stable.
It needs an external memory other than the input array.
Counting Sort
O(lns="">+) O(lns="">+) × Bucket Fast and stable.
There is a limit to the value of array elements.
Quick Sort
O(lns="">2) O(lns="">) × Divide and Conqure Fast and almost-in-place if it takes a measure for the corner cases. Naive implementation can be slow for the corner cases.
Heap Sort
ALDS1_9_D (This problem)
O(lns="">) O(lns="">) × Heap structure Fast and in-place. It is unstable and performs random access for non-continuous elements frequently.

The Heap Sort algorithms is one of fast algorithms which is based on the heap data structure. The algorithms can be implemented as follows.

1  maxHeapify(A, i)
2      l = left(i)
3      r = right(i)
4      // select the node which has the maximum value
5      if l ≤ heapSize and A[l] > A[i]
6          largest = l
7      else 
8          largest = i
9      if r ≤ heapSize and A[r] > A[largest]
10         largest = r
12     if largest ≠ i 
13         swap A[i] and A[largest]
14         maxHeapify(A, largest) 
16 heapSort(A):
17     // buildMaxHeap
18     for i = N/2 downto 1:
19         maxHeapify(A, i)
20     // sort
21     heapSize ← N
22     while heapSize ≥ 2:
23         swap(A[1], A[heapSize])
24         heapSize--
25         maxHeapify(A, 1)

On the other hand, the heap sort algorithm exchanges non-continuous elements through random accesses frequently.

Your task is to find a permutation of a given sequence $A$ with $N$ elements, such that it is a max-heap and when converting it to a sorted sequence, the total number of swaps in maxHeapify of line 25 in the pseudo code is maximal possible.


In the first line, an integer $N$ is given. 

In the next line, $A_i\ (i=0,1,...,N−1)$ are given separated by a single space character.


Print $N$ integers of the permutation of $A$ separated by a single space character in a line.

This problem has multiple solutions and the judge will be performed by a special validator.


0≤ each element of A ≤1000000000
The elements of A are all different

Sample 1 Input

1 2 3 5 9 12 15 23

Sample 1 Output

23 9 15 2 5 3 12 1


