Problem7986--ABC254 —— G - Elevators

7986: ABC254 —— G - Elevators

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Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 256 MiB


There is a complex composed of N $10^9$-story skyscrapers. The skyscrapers are numbered 1 to N, and the floors are numbered 1 to $10^9$.
From any floor of any skyscraper, one can use a skybridge to get to the same floor of any other skyscraper in one minute.
Additionally, there are M elevators. The i-th elevator runs between Floor $B_i$ and Floor $C_i$ of Skyscraper $A_i$. With this elevator, one can get from Floor x to Floor y of Skyscraper $A_i$ in ∣x−y∣ minutes, for every pair of integers x,y such that $B_i≤x,y≤C_i$.
Answer the following Q queries.
  • Determine whether it is possible to get from Floor $Y_i$ of Skyscraper $X_i$ to Floor $W_i$ of Skyscraper $Z_i$, and find the shortest time needed to get there if it is possible.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N\ M\ Q$
$A_1\ B_1\ C_1$
$A_2\ B_2\ C_2$
$A_M\ B_M\ C_M$
Each query is in the following format:
$X_i\ Y_i\ Z_i\ W_i$


Print Q lines. The i-th line should contain -1 if, for query$_i$, the destination is unreachable; otherwise, it should contain the minimum number of minutes needed to get there.


All values in input are integers.

Sample 1 Input

3 4 3
1 2 10
2 3 7
3 9 14
3 1 3
1 3 3 14
3 1 2 7
1 100 1 101

Sample 1 Output


For the 1-st query, you can get to the destination in 12 minutes as follows.

  • Use Elevator 1 to get from Floor 3 to Floor 9 of Skyscraper 1, in 6 minutes.
  • Use the skybridge on Floor 9 to get from Skyscraper 1 to Skyscraper 3, in 1 minute.
  • Use Elevator 3 to get from Floor 9 to Floor 14 of Skyscraper 3, in 5 minutes.

For the 3-rd query, the destination is unreachable, so -1 should be printed.

Sample 2 Input

1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 1 2

Sample 2 Output

