6230: USACO 2020 December Contest, Bronze —— T1: Do You Know Your ABCs?
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Farmer John's cows have been holding a daily online gathering on the "mooZ" video meeting platform. For fun, they have invented a simple number game to play during the meeting to keep themselves entertained.
Elsie has three positive integers $A, B, C\ (A≤B≤C)$. These integers are supposed to be secret, so she will not directly reveal them to her sister Bessie. Instead, she gives Bessie seven (not necessarily distinct) integers in the range $1\ \dots\ 10^9$, claiming that they are $A, B, C, A+B, B+C, C+A, A+B+C$ in some order.
Given a list of these seven numbers, please help Bessie determine $A, B, C$. It can be shown that the answer is unique.
Given a list of these seven numbers, please help Bessie determine $A, B, C$. It can be shown that the answer is unique.
The only line of input consists of seven space-separated integers.
Print $A, B, C$ separated by spaces.
Test cases $2 \sim 3$ satisfy $C≤50$.
Test cases $4 \sim 10$ satisfy no additional constraints.
Test cases $4 \sim 10$ satisfy no additional constraints.
Sample 1 Input
2 2 11 4 9 7 9
Sample 1 Output
2 2 7