Problem5619--ABC177——A - Don't be late

5619: ABC177——A - Don't be late

[Creator : ]
Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 256 MiB


Takahashi is meeting up with Aoki.
They have planned to meet at a place that is $D$ meters away from Takahashi's house in $T$ minutes from now.
Takahashi will leave his house now and go straight to the place at a speed of $S$ meters per minute.
Will he arrive in time?


One line have three integers. $D\ T\ S$.


If Takahashi will reach the place in time, print ${Yes}$; otherwise, print ${No}$.



Sample 1 Input

1000 15 80

Sample 1 Output

It takes $12.5$ minutes to go $1000$ meters to the place at a speed of $80$ meters per minute. They have planned to meet in $15$ minutes so he will arrive in time.

Sample 2 Input

2000 20 100

Sample 2 Output

It takes $20$minutes to go $2000$meters to the place at a speed of$100$meters per minute. They have planned to meet in $20$minutes so he will arrive just on time.

Sample 3 Input

10000 1 1

Sample 3 Output

He will be late.


题目来源:AtCoder ABC 177 A题
