Problem10918--ABC363 - C - Avoid K Palindrome 2

10918: ABC363 - C - Avoid K Palindrome 2

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Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


Find the number of strings obtained by permuting the characters of $S$ (including the string $S$ itself) that do not contain a palindrome of length $K$ as a substring.

Here, a string $T$ of length $N$ is said to "contain a palindrome of length $K$ as a substring" if and only if there exists a non-negative integer $i$ not greater than $(N-K)$ such that $T_{i+j} = T_{i+K+1-j}$ for every integer $j$ with $1 \leq j \leq K$.
Here, $T_k$ denotes the $k$-th character of the string $T$.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $K$


Print the number of strings obtained by permuting $S$ that do not contain a palindrome of length $K$ as a substring.


-   $2 \leq K \leq N \leq 10$
-   $N$ and $K$ are integers.
-   $S$ is a string of length $N$ consisting only of lowercase English letters.

Sample 1 Input

3 2

Sample 1 Output


The strings obtained by permuting aab are aab, aba, and baa. Among these, aab and baa contain the palindrome aa of length $2$ as a substring.
Thus, the only string that satisfies the condition is aba, so print $1$.

Sample 2 Input

5 3

Sample 2 Output


There are $30$ strings obtained by permuting zzyyx, $16$ of which do not contain a palindrome of length $3$. Thus, print $16$.

Sample 3 Input

10 5

Sample 3 Output

