Problem10895--ABC360 - A - A Healthy Breakfast

10895: ABC360 - A - A Healthy Breakfast

[Creator : ]
Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


Takahashi eats three plates for breakfast: rice, miso soup, and salad.

His table is long and narrow, so he arranged the three plates in a row. The arrangement is given by a string $S$, where the $i$-th plate from the left is rice if $S_i$ is R, miso soup if $S_i$ is M, and salad if $S_i$ is S.

Determine whether the plate of rice is to the left of the plate of miso soup.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print Yes if the plate of rice is to the left of the plate of miso soup, and No otherwise.


  • $|S| = 3$
  • $S$ contains one R, one M, and one S.

Sample 1 Input


Sample 1 Output


The plate of rice is at the 1st position from the left, and the plate of miso soup is at the 3rd position from the left. Since the plate of rice is to the left, print Yes.

Sample 2 Input


Sample 2 Output

The plates are arranged as salad, miso soup, and rice from left to right.
