Problem10427--USACO 2023 December Contest, Platinum Problem 3. Train Scheduling

10427: USACO 2023 December Contest, Platinum Problem 3. Train Scheduling

[Creator : ]
Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


Bessie has taken on a new job as a train dispatcher! There are two train stations: $A$ and $B$. Due to budget constraints, there is only a single track connecting the stations. If a train departs a station at time $t$, then it will arrive at the other station at time $t+T$ ($1\le T\le 10^{12}$).

There are $N$ ($1\le N\le 5000$) trains whose departure times need to be scheduled. The $i$th train must leave station $s_i$ at time $t_i$ or later ($s_i\in \{A, B\}, 0\le t_i\le 10^{12}$). It is not permitted to have trains going in opposite directions along the track at the same time (since they would crash). However, it is permitted to have many trains on the track going in the same direction at the same time (assume trains have negligible size).

Help Bessie schedule the departure times of all trains such that there are no crashes and the total delay is minimized. If train $i$ is scheduled to leave at time $a_i\ge t_i$, the total delay is defined as $\sum_{i=1}^N(a_i-t_i)$.


The first line contains $N$ and $T$.

Then $N$ lines follow, where the $i$th line contains the station $s_i$ and time $t_i$ corresponding to the $i$th train.


The minimum possible total delay over all valid schedules.

Sample 1 Input

1 95
B 63

Sample 1 Output

The only train leaves on time.

Sample 2 Input

4 1
B 3
B 2
A 1
A 3

Sample 2 Output

There are two optimal schedules. One option is to have trains $2,3,4$ leave on time and train $1$ leave after a one-minute delay. Another is to have trains $1,2,3$ leave on time and train $4$ leave after a one-minute delay.

Sample 3 Input

4 10
A 1
B 2
A 3
A 21

Sample 3 Output

The optimal schedule is to have trains $1$ and $3$ leave on time, train $2$ leave at time $13$, and train $4$ leave at time $23$. The total delay is $0+11+0+2=13$.

8 125000000000
B 17108575619
B 57117098303
A 42515717584
B 26473500855
A 108514697534
B 110763448122
B 117731666682
A 29117227954


