Problem10419--USACO 2023 December Contest, Silver Problem 1. Bovine Acrobatics

10419: USACO 2023 December Contest, Silver Problem 1. Bovine Acrobatics

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Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


Farmer John has decided to make his cows do some acrobatics! First, FJ weighs his cows and finds that they have $N\ (1≤N≤2⋅10^5)$ distinct weights. In particular, for each $i∈[1,N], a_i$ of his cows have a weight of $w_i\ (1≤a_i≤10^9,\ 1≤w_i≤10^9)$.

His most popular stunt involves the cows forming balanced towers. A tower is a sequence of cows where each cow is stacked on top of the next. A tower is balanced if every cow with a cow directly above it has weight at least $K\ (1≤K≤10^9)$ greater than the weight of the cow directly above it. Any cow can be part of at most one balanced tower.

If FJ wants to create at most $M\ (1≤M≤10^9)$ balanced towers of cows, at most how many cows can be part of some tower?


The first line contains three space-separated integers, $N, M, K$.

The next $N$ lines contain two space-separated integers, $w_i, a_i$. It is guaranteed that all $w_i$ are distinct.


Output the maximum number of cows in balanced towers if FJ helps the cows form towers optimally.

Sample 1 Input

3 5 2
9 4
7 6
5 5

Sample 1 Output

FJ can create four balanced towers with cows of weights 5, 7, and 9, and one balanced tower with cows of weights 5 and 7.

Sample 2 Input

3 5 3
5 5
7 6
9 4

Sample 2 Output

FJ can create four balanced towers with cows of weights 5 and 9, and one balanced tower with a cow of weight 7. Alternatively, he can create four balanced towers with cows of weights 5 and 9, and one balanced tower with a cow of weight 5.


