Problem10334--ABC355 —— E - Guess the Sum

10334: ABC355 —— E - Guess the Sum

[Creator : ]
Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


This is an interactive problem (where your program interacts with the judge via input and output).

You are given a positive integer $N$ and integers $L$ and $R$ such that $0 \leq L \leq R < 2^N$. The judge has a hidden sequence $A = (A_0, A_1, \dots, A_{2^N-1})$ consisting of integers between $0$ and $99$, inclusive.

Your goal is to find the remainder when $A_L + A_{L+1} + \dots + A_R$ is divided by $100$. However, you cannot directly know the values of the elements in the sequence $A$. Instead, you can ask the judge the following question:

-   Choose non-negative integers $i$ and $j$ such that $2^i(j+1) \leq 2^N$. Let $l = 2^i j$ and $r = 2^i (j+1) - 1$. Ask for the remainder when $A_l + A_{l+1} + \dots + A_r$ is divided by $100$.

Let $m$ be the minimum number of questions required to determine the remainder when $A_L + A_{L+1} + \dots + A_R$ is divided by $100$ for any sequence $A$. You need to find this remainder within $m$ questions.


This is an interactive problem (where your program interacts with the judge via input and output).
First, read the integers $N$, $L$, and $R$ from Standard Input:
$N$ $L$ $R$
Then, repeat asking questions until you can determine the remainder when $A_L + A_{L+1} + \dots + A_R$ is divided by $100$. Each question should be printed in the following format:
$?$ $i$ $j$
Here, $i$ and $j$ must satisfy the following constraints:

-   $i$ and $j$ are non-negative integers.
-   $2^i(j+1) \leq 2^N$

The response to the question will be given in the following format from Standard Input:
Here, $T$ is the answer to the question, which is the remainder when $A_l + A_{l+1} + \dots + A_r$ is divided by $100$, where $l = 2^i j$ and $r = 2^i (j+1) - 1$.
If $i$ and $j$ do not satisfy the constraints, or if the number of questions exceeds $m$, then $T$ will be `-1`.
If the judge returns `-1`, your program is already considered incorrect. In this case, terminate the program immediately.
Once you have determined the remainder when $A_L + A_{L+1} + \dots + A_R$ is divided by $100$, print the remainder $S$ in the following format and terminate the program immediately:
$!$ $S$


Here is an example for $N=3$, $L=1$, $R=5$, and $A=(31, 41, 59, 26, 53, 58, 97, 93)$. In this case, $m=3$, so you can ask up to three questions.
3 1 5

First, the integers $N$, $L$, and $R$ are given.

? 0 1
Ask the question with $(i, j) = (0, 1)$.
$l=1$ and $r=1$, so the response is the remainder when $A_1=41$ is divided by $100$, which is $41$. The judge returns this value.

? 1 1
Ask the question with $(i, j) = (1, 1)$.
$l=2$ and $r=3$, so the response is the remainder when $A_2 + A_3 = 85$ is divided by $100$, which is $85$. The judge returns this value.

? 1 2
Ask the question with $(i, j) = (1, 2)$.
$l=4$ and $r=5$, so the response is the remainder when $A_4 + A_5 = 111$ is divided by $100$, which is $11$. The judge returns this value.

! 37
The answer is $37$, so print this value.


-   $1 \leq N \leq 18$
-   $0 \leq L \leq R \leq 2^N - 1$
-   All input values are integers.
