Problem10116--ABC350 —— F - Transpose

10116: ABC350 —— F - Transpose

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Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


You are given a string $S = S_1 S_2 S_3 \dots S_{|S|}$ consisting of uppercase and lowercase English letters, `(`, and `)`.  
The parentheses in the string $S$ are properly matched.

Repeat the following operation until no more operations can be performed:

-   First, select one pair of integers $(l, r)$ that satisfies all of the following conditions:
    -   $l < r$
    -   $S_l =$ `(`
    -   $S_r =$ `)`
    -   Each of the characters $S_{l+1}, S_{l+2}, \dots, S_{r-1}$ is an uppercase or lowercase English letter.
-   Let $T = \overline{S_{r-1} S_{r-2} \dots S_{l+1}}$.
    -   Here, $\overline{x}$ denotes the string obtained by toggling the case of each character in $x$ (uppercase to lowercase and vice versa).
-   Then, delete the $l$-th through $r$-th characters of $S$ and insert $T$ at the position where the deletion occurred.

Refer to the sample inputs and outputs for clarification.

It can be proved that it is possible to remove all `(`s and `)`s from the string using the above operations, and the final string is independent of how and in what order the operations are performed.  
Determine the final string.

What does it mean that the parentheses in $S$ are properly matched? First, a correct parenthesis sequence is defined as follows:

-   A correct parenthesis sequence is a string that satisfies one of the following conditions:

-   It is an empty string.
-   There exists a correct parenthesis sequence $A$, and the string is formed by concatenating `(`, $A$, `)` in this order.
-   There exist non-empty correct parenthesis sequences $A$ and $B$, and the string is formed by concatenating $A$ and $B$ in this order.

The parentheses in $S$ are properly matched if and only if the `(`s and `)`s extracted from $S$ without changing the order form a correct parenthesis sequence.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the final string.


-   $1 \le |S| \le 5 \times 10^5$
-   $S$ consists of uppercase and lowercase English letters, `(`, and `)`.
-   The parentheses in $S$ are properly matched.

Sample 1 Input


Sample 1 Output

Let us perform the operations for S= ((A)y)x.
  • Choose l=2 and r=4. The substring (A) is removed and replaced with a.
    • After this operation, S= (ay)x.
  • Choose l=1 and r=4. The substring (ay) is removed and replaced with YA.
    • After this operation, S= YAx.
After removing the parentheses, the string becomes YAx, which should be printed.

Sample 2 Input


Sample 2 Output

Let us perform the operations for S= ((XYZ)n(X(y)Z)).
  • Choose l=10 and r=12. The substring (y) is removed and replaced with Y.
    • After this operation, S= ((XYZ)n(XYZ)).
  • Choose l=2 and r=6. The substring (XYZ) is removed and replaced with zyx.
    • After this operation, S= (zyxn(XYZ)).
  • Choose l=6 and r=10. The substring (XYZ) is removed and replaced with zyx.
    • After this operation, S= (zyxnzyx).
  • Choose l=1 and r=9. The substring (zyxnzyx) is removed and replaced with XYZNXYZ.
    • After this operation, S= XYZNXYZ.
After removing the parentheses, the string becomes XYZNXYZ, which should be printed.

Sample 3 Input

The final outcome may be an empty string.


