Problem10084--ABC346 —— B - Piano

10084: ABC346 —— B - Piano

[Creator : ]
Time Limit : 1.000 sec  Memory Limit : 512 MiB


> There is an infinitely long piano keyboard. Is there a continuous segment within this keyboard that consists of $W$ white keys and $B$ black keys?

Let $S$ be the string formed by infinitely repeating the string `wbwbwwbwbwbw`.

Is there a substring of $S$ that consists of $W$ occurrences of `w` and $B$ occurrences of `b`?

What is a substring of $S$? A substring of $S$ is a string that can be formed by concatenating the $l$-th, $(l+1)$-th, $\dots$, $r$-th characters of $S$ in this order for some two positive integers $l$ and $r$ $(l\leq r)$.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$W$ $B$


If there is a substring of $S$ that consists of $W$ occurrences of `w` and $B$ occurrences of `b`, print `Yes`; otherwise, print `No`.


-   $W$ and $B$ are integers.
-   $0\leq W,B \leq 100$
-   $W+B \geq 1$

Sample 1 Input

3 2

Sample 1 Output

The first 15 characters of S are wbwbwwbwbwbwwbw. You can take the 11-th through 15-th characters to form the string bwwbw, which is a substring consisting of three occurrences of w and two occurrences of b.

Sample 2 Input

3 0

Sample 2 Output

The only string consisting of three occurrences of w and zero occurrences of b is www, which is not a substring of S.

Sample 3 Input

92 66

Sample 3 Output

